Enlargement of the consortium by three new partners.
Start of the innovation alliance
The Intelligent Container: networked intelligent objects in logistics " Beginning of the new industry-oriented project with initially 13 partners and 6 research institutes
Start of the first transfer project
Test of the system at sea and land transportation with three industrial partners for 2 years.
Several press reports about the project (selected):
- Intelligenz gegen Fäulnis. Logistik Heute 9/2008, Seite 54-55 [
Text] ISSN 0173-6213
- Der Container denkt mit. Fruit World International 2/2008, Seite 50-53. Bericht in 4 Sprachen [
19. January: Berichts-Kollogium des SFB637 in Bremen
Public performance of a model of 'intelligent container' (Agenda)
16. February: embedded World 2006, Nürnberg
Jedermann, R.; Lang, W.: Mobile Java Code for Embedded Transport Monitoring Systems. In: Grote, C.; Ester, R. (eds.): Proceedings of the Embedded World Conference 2006. Franzis Verlag, Poing, 2006, pp. 771-777 (Full Paper, 7 pages)
24.-28. April: Hannover Messe 2006
Publication of the second project flyer of the 'Intelligent Container' in Englisch und
Public demonstration of the model 'intelligent container' and the scientific background:
Gould, D.; Jedermann, R.; Behrens, C.; Gehrke, J. D.; Morales-Kluge, E.; Lang, W.: A demonstration of autonomous RFID- and telemetric sensor networks in logistics. (Slides)
1. May: Second RFID Academic Convocation, Las Vegas, 2006
Presentation of the project
Jedermann, R.; Uckelmann, D.; Sklorz, A.; Lang, W.: The intelligent container: Combining RFID with sensor networks, dynamic quality models and software agents --- Smart Containers for an Autonomic Supply Chain --- (Abstract) (
1 June: Registrierung der Webpage www. intelligentcontainer.com und .eu registriert
Publication of the second project flyer on the webpage.
11-15. April: Hannover Messe 2005
Publication of the first project flyer (only in German) (pdf)
10.-12. May: Sensors 2005, 12th international conference
Presentation of the concept at the conference:
Jedermann, R.; Behrens, C.; Gorecki, C.; Westphal, D.; Congil, J.; Laur, R.; Benecke, W.; Lang, W.: Linking RFIDs and Sensors for Logistical Applications. In: Sensor 2005. 12th International Conference, AMA Service GmbH, Wunstorf, Germany, 2005, pp. 317–322 (Full Text, 6 pages)
The project SFB637 began in January 2004 as part of the Collaborative Research Center "self-controlling processes in logistics".
6. June: Logistik Kurier
Report on the SFB637: 'On the way to the intelligent container'
Bremer newspaper AG