Press review
- November 2011: RFID im Blick: Der intelligente Container [
- Autumn 2011:
Alles Banane! Für eine bessere Qualität, Haltbarkeit und Ökobilanz von Frischeprodukten. [
- June 2011:
Alles Banane! Jedenfalls im Übersee-Container der Logistikforscher auf der Bremer „botanika“
- October 2010:
The intelligent container: Companies and Scientists implementing new technologies in Logistics [
long version (german)]
- October 2009:
From Hamburg to Costa Rica: First test of the intelligent container completed successfully
- September 2009:
Don't waste food! – European fruit supply chain benefits from Cool Chain Monitor : Ambient Systems and IHG conduct successful revolutionary pilot with leading Spanish fruit producer and German retailer
- September 2008:
Ambient Systems cooperates with University of Bremen
: Intelligent RFID reduces fruit and vegetables spoilage
- January 2008:
Application of the intelligent container to real world logistics begins in 2008